{{ catalog_header_greeting }} {*Name*}
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Streamline Your Research with Account IQ
Learn how you can reduce the time it takes to research your accounts and leverage a smart summary with Generative AI and LinkedIn data with just a click of a button.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
Learn about AI features
Learn about product updates
Sales Navigator
content lake

Wie man einen Smart Link teilt, bearbeitet und in der Vorschau anzeigt
Nachdem Sie einen Smart Link erstellt haben, überprüfen Sie, wie Sie einen Smart Link mit Ihren Kunden anzeigen, ändern und teilen können.
2 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

¿Qué es la sincronización del CRM?
Conozca el poder de CRM Sync y el proceso para ayudarle a comenzar.
10 min
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Short Course
5-10 min
Sales Navigator

¿Cómo puede Sales Navigator apoyar a mi equipo?
Descubra cómo aprovechar Sales Navigator con su equipo puede fomentar el éxito y convertir a todo su equipo en empleados de alto rendimiento.
5 min
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
5-10 min
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Sales Navigator

¿Qué es Deep Sales?
Descubre cómo la plataforma Deep Sales de LinkedIn, os ayudará a tu equipo y a ti a adoptar los hábitos de los mejores comerciales y triunfar en un panorama B2B en constante cambio.
6 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Short Course
5-10 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator

Zoeken naar leads in meerdere accounts
Bekijk hoe u de zoekfunctie voor leads van Sales Navigator kunt gebruiken om leads uit een lijst met accounts te vinden.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

¿Cómo funciona CRM Sync?
Sincronizar su CRM con Sales Navigator suena genial, pero ¿qué significa realmente CRM Sync? Mira este breve vídeo para descubrirlo.
1:30 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ enable sales productivity to help team reach their target quota
Sales Navigator

Zusammenstellung Ihres Sales Navigator-Programmteams
Während Sie sich auf die Einführung Ihres neuen Sales Navigator-Programms vorbereiten, nutzen Sie dieses Dokument, um wichtige Stakeholder zu identifizieren und Ihr Programmteam zusammenzustellen.
2 min
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator

Zoek naar accounts om te targeten
Bekijk hoe u Lead Search van Sales Navigator kunt gebruiken om leads te vinden in een lijst met accounts.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Zertifikat LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Grundlagenübersicht (DE)
Nachdem Sie diese kurze Umfrage ausgefüllt haben, erhalten Sie Ihr Zertifikat LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Grundlagenübersicht per E-Mail. Sie finden es auch unter „Mein Profil“. Klicken Sie dazu auf das Personen-Symbol oben rechts im Learning Center.
2 min
Sales Professional
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Willkommen im Learning Center
Dieses kurze und informative Video enthält hilfreiche Tipps für die Nutzung des Learning Centers in Sales Navigator. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie auf unsere On-Demand-Ressourcen zugreifen, sich für Live-Schulungen anmelden und zahlreiche weitere Ressourcen nutzen können, um Sales Navigator besser zu verstehen und effizienter zu nutzen.
2 mins
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator

Wie Sie mit multi-threading Risiken senken und größerer Deals abschließen (DE)
Erfahren Sie, wie Sales Navigator das Multithreading rationalisiert, indem es für jedes Konto mehrere Verbindungen mit hohem Potenzial empfiehlt und Tools bereitstellt, die Einkaufskomitees abbilden, damit Verkäufer die richtigen Beziehungen identifizieren und priorisieren können.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator

Wie funktioniert die CRM-Sync?
Die Synchronisierung Ihres CRM mit Sales Navigator klingt nett, aber was bedeutet CRM Sync wirklich? Sehen Sie sich dieses kurze Video an, um es herauszufinden.
1:30 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ enable sales productivity to help team reach their target quota
Sales Navigator

Wie kann Sales Navigator mein Team unterstützen?
Erfahren Sie, wie der Einsatz von Sales Navigator in Ihrem Team den Erfolg steigern und Ihr gesamtes Team zu Top-Performern machen kann.
5 min
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
5-10 min
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Sales Navigator

Wat is Deep Sales?
Ontdek hoe u en uw team met het deep sales-platform van LinkedIn kunnen werken als topverkopers en succes kunnen boeken in de veranderende B2B-wereld.
6 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Short Course
5-10 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator

When to Leverage LinkedIn and Sales Navigator
LinkedIn and Sales Navigator offer incredible value to sales professionals. Learn how to leverage both platforms in this short video.
2 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator
content lake

What is Deep Sales?
Explore how LinkedIn's deep sales platform can help you and your team adopt the habits of top performers and find selling success in a shifting B2B environment.
6 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Short Course
5-10 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator
content lake

What is CRM sync?
Sales Navigator and your CRM are powerful solutions on their own, but when integrated, they create an environment that fuels buyer intent and focuses your team. Find out more about CRM sync and how it can add value in this short course.
10 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Short Course
5-10 min
Sales Navigator
content lake

Welcome to the Learning Center
Take a tour of the Learning Center and it's features
2 mins
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator
content lake

Welcome bij het Leercentrum
Deze korte video biedt nuttige tips over het Leercentrum van Sales Navigator. Ontdek hoe u toegang krijgt tot onze on-demand hulpbronnen, hoe u zich kunt inschrijven voor live trainingen en hoe u toegang krijgt tot talloze handige hulpbronnen om Sales Navigator nog beter te gebruiken en te begrijpen.
2 mins
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator

Verwenden Sie erweiterte Suchfilter, um Leads zu finden
Verwenden Sie die erweiterten Suchfilter von Sales Navigator, um wachstumsstarke Accounts und Accounts mit Interesse an Ihrem Unternehmen zu identifizieren und zu priorisieren.
4 min
Sales Professional
5-10 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Was ist Deep Sales?
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit der Deep-Sales-Plattform von LinkedIn, einen KI-gestützten, kundezentrierten Vertrieb aufbauen und in einer sich verändernden B2B-Landschaft weiterhin Top-Performance erzielen.
6 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Short Course
5-10 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator

Wat is CRM-synchronisatie?
Leer de kracht van CRM Sync en het proces om u op weg te helpen.
10 min
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
5-10 min
Sales Navigator

Was ist eine CRM-Synchronisierung?
Lernen Sie die leistungsstarke CRM-Synchronisierung und den Prozess kennen, der Ihnen den Einstieg erleichtert.
10 min
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Short Course
5-10 min
Sales Navigator

Vind verborgen bondgenoten met Relationship Explorer
Ontdek hoe Sales Navigator's Relationship Explorer u tijd kan besparen bij het zoeken naar prospects door verborgen bondgenoten en supporters te ontdekken, warme paden te vinden en multi-threading om relaties met meerdere kopers op te bouwen.
3 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Wanneer gebruikt u LinkedIn en Sales Navigator
LinkedIn en Sales Navigator zijn zeer waardevol voor salesprofessionals. Ontdek meer in deze korte video.
2 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Vind de juiste koper
Leer hoe je de zoekfunctie van Sales Navigator kunt optimaliseren om de juiste kopers op het juiste moment te vinden en meer deals te sluiten.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Verwenden von TeamLink, um warme Einführungen zu sichern
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie TeamLink verwenden und nutzen Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit des Netzwerks Ihres gesamten Teams, um den besten Weg zu einem Lead zu finden.
1:30 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Verwenden Sie erweiterte Suchfilter, um Konten zu priorisieren
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Lead-Filter der erweiterten Suche von Sales Navigator nutzen können, um ganz einfach die Interessenten zu ermitteln, bei denen die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Interaktion höher ist. Nutzen Sie die Kapitelfunktion, um zu bestimmten Filtern zu springen, die für Sie relevant sind.
9 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Bauen Sie Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit mit Ihrem LinkedIn Profil auf
Nutzen Sie LinkedIn, um sich als vertrauenswürdiger Berater zu positionieren und Ihren Erfolg als Vertriebsmitarbeiter zu steigern.
25 min
Sales Professional
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
15-30 min
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Vertriebsnavigator-Zertifikat: Grundfertigkeiten (DE)
Füllen Sie diese kurze Umfrage aus, um Ihr Sales Navigator Best Practices Skillset Zertifikat zu erhalten. Ihr Zertifikat wird Ihnen nach Abschluss der Umfrage per E-Mail zugeschickt. Sie können es auch auf der Seite "Mein Profil" über das Personensymbol oben rechts auf dieser Seite finden.
5 min
Sales Professional
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Utilisez les filtres de recherche avancés pour trouver des prospects
Découvrez comment tirer parti des filtres de recherche avancés de Sales Navigator pour découvrir facilement les prospects les plus susceptibles de s'engager. Utilisez la fonction de chapitres pour accéder à des filtres spécifiques qui s'appliquent à vous.
9 min
Sales Professional
5-10 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Verkoopnavigatorcertificaat: basisvaardigheden (NL)
Vul deze korte enquête in om uw Sales Navigator Best Practices Skillset-certificaat te ontvangen. Uw certificaat wordt na voltooiing naar u gemaild. U kunt het ook vinden op de pagina "Mijn profiel" via het persoonspictogram rechtsboven op deze pagina.
5 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Verificação de conhecimento de práticas recomendadas do Sales Navigator (PT)
Responda às perguntas para verificar seu entendimento das Melhores Práticas do Sales Navigator e receba seu certificado de conclusão.
5 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Verificación de conocimientos sobre las mejores prácticas de Sales Navigator (ES)
Responda a las preguntas para comprobar su comprensión de las Buenas Prácticas del Navegador de Ventas y reciba su certificado de finalización.
5 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Verifica della conoscenza delle best practice di Sales Navigator (IT)
Rispondete alle domande per verificare la vostra comprensione delle Best Practice di Sales Navigator e riceverete il certificato di completamento.
5 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Uw Sales Navigator-programma beheren
In dit leertraject voor programmamanagers leert u de basisprincipes van het plannen, lanceren en laten groeien van een succesvol Sales Navigator-verkoopprogramma.
35 min
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Short Course
Sales Navigator

Uw CRM Sync Sandbox voor beheerders activeren
Wilt u CRM-synchronisatiefuncties testen voordat u Sales Navigator verbindt met uw productie-CRM? In deze module wordt uitgelegd hoe u de Sandbox-functie voor CRM-synchronisatie inschakelt.
5 min
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Short Course

Utilizza i filtri di ricerca avanzati per trovare lead
Scopri come sfruttare i filtri avanzati dei lead di ricerca di Sales Navigator per scoprire facilmente i lead che hanno maggiori probabilità di interagire. Utilizza la funzione dei capitoli per passare ai filtri specifici che si applicano a te.
9 min
Sales Professional
5-10 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Utilizzo di TeamLink per garantire presentazioni calorose
Scopri come utilizzare TeamLink e sfruttare la potenza della rete dell'intero team per aiutarti a trovare il miglior percorso verso un lead.
1:30 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Utilizza i filtri di ricerca avanzati per dare priorità agli account
Utilizza i filtri di ricerca avanzata di Sales Navigator per identificare e dare priorità agli account ad alta crescita e agli account con interesse per la tua azienda.
4 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Otimize suas pesquisas com o QI da Conta
Saiba como agilizar as pesquisas de contas e acessar facilmente um resumo inteligente gerado por IA generativa com base nos dados do LinkedIn.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
Learn about AI features
Learn about product updates
Sales Navigator

Utilisation de TeamLink pour sécuriser les présentations chaleureuses
Découvrez comment utiliser TeamLink et exploitez la puissance du réseau de toute votre équipe pour vous aider à trouver le meilleur chemin vers un prospect.
1:30 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Utilice filtros de búsqueda avanzada para priorizar cuentas
Utilice los filtros de búsqueda avanzada de Sales Navigator para identificar y priorizar cuentas de alto crecimiento y cuentas con interés en su empresa.
4 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Utilisez les filtres de recherche avancés pour hiérarchiser les comptes
Utilisez les filtres de recherche avancée de Sales Navigator pour identifier et prioriser les comptes à forte croissance et les comptes présentant un intérêt pour votre entreprise.
4 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Utilice filtros de búsqueda avanzada para encontrar clientes potenciales
Aprenda cómo aprovechar los filtros de clientes potenciales de búsqueda avanzada de Sales Navigator para descubrir fácilmente los clientes potenciales que tienen más probabilidades de interactuar. Utilice la función de capítulos para saltar a filtros específicos que le correspondan.
9 min
Sales Professional
5-10 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Uso de TeamLink para asegurar presentaciones cálidas
Explore cómo usar TeamLink y aproveche el poder de la red de todo su equipo para ayudarlo a encontrar el mejor camino hacia un cliente potencial.
1:30 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Use filtros de pesquisa avançada para priorizar contas
Use os filtros de pesquisa avançada do Sales Navigator para identificar e priorizar contas de alto crescimento e contas com interesse em sua empresa.
4 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Using TeamLink to Secure Warm Introductions
Explore how to use TeamLink and harness the power of your entire team's network to help you find the best path-in to a lead.
1:30 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator
content lake

Crie confiança e credibilidade com seu perfil do LinkedIn
Aproveite o LinkedIn para se posicionar como um consultor confiável e aumentar seu sucesso como profissional de vendas.
25 min
Sales Professional
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
15-30 min
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Use o recurso “Mapa de relacionamentos” para organizar decisores e visualizar conexões
Saiba como o “Mapa de relacionamentos” ajuda você a organizar e acompanhar os comitês de compra das suas contas, simplificando a colaboração com gestores/colegas e fornecendo mapeamentos precisos.
4:30 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ product efficacy
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Use AI-Assisted Help for Product Support
Learn more about how you can use the AI-assisted help for any of your product questions.
1 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator
content lake

Use filtros de pesquisa avançada para encontrar leads
Saiba como aproveitar as vantagens dos filtros avançados de leads de pesquisa do Sales Navigator para descobrir facilmente os leads com maior probabilidade de engajamento. Use o recurso de capítulos para acessar filtros específicos que se aplicam a você.
9 min
Sales Professional
5-10 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Use Advanced Search Filters to Prioritize Accounts
Use Sales Navigator Advanced Search filters to identify and prioritize high growth accounts and accounts with interest in your company.
4 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator
content lake

Use Advanced Search Filters to Find Leads
Learn how to leverage Sales Navigator Advanced Search lead filters to easily discover the prospects who are more likely to engage. Utilize the chapter feature to jump to specific filters that pertain to you.
9 min
Sales Professional
5-10 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator
content lake

The Value of Integrating LinkedIn Sales Navigator and HubSpot's Smart CRM
Learn the value of why integrating LinkedIn Sales Navigator and HubSpot can unleash your potential.
3 min
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator
content lake

Usando o TeamLink para encontrar caminhos de venda aquecidos
Explore como usar o TeamLink e aproveite o poder da rede de toda a sua equipe para ajudá-lo a encontrar o melhor caminho para um lead.
1:30 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Trovare l'acquirente giusto
Imparate a ottimizzare la funzione di ricerca di Sales Navigator per trovare gli acquirenti giusti al momento giusto e chiudere più contratti.
3 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Trova alleati nascosti con Relationship Explorer
Scopri come Relationship Explorer di Sales Navigator può farti risparmiare tempo nella ricerca di potenziali clienti scoprendo alleati e sostenitori nascosti, trovando percorsi interessanti e multi-threading per costruire relazioni con più acquirenti.
3 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Trouver le bon acheteur
Apprenez à optimiser la fonction de recherche de Sales Navigator pour trouver les bons acheteurs au bon moment et conclure davantage de contrats.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Trouver des alliés cachés avec Relationship Explorer
Découvrez comment l'explorateur de relations de Sales Navigator peut vous faire gagner du temps dans la prospection en découvrant des alliés et des partisans cachés, en trouvant des voies chaleureuses et en multithreading pour établir des relations avec plusieurs acheteurs.
3 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Synchronisation CRM: associer Sales Navigator à votre CRM
Suivez attentivement cette vidéo afin d’activer la synchronisation CRM et d’accéder à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités uniques de Sales Navigator qui en découlent.
1 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
Sales Navigator

Benvenuto nel Learning Center
Questo breve video offre utili consigli per accedere al Centro di formazione di Sales Navigator. Scopri come iscriverti a opportunità di formazione live e accedere a risorse on demand che ti aiuteranno a conoscere e usare Sales Navigator ancora meglio.
2 mins
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator

TeamLink gebruiken om warme introducties veilig te stellen
Ontdek hoe u TeamLink kunt gebruiken en gebruik de kracht van het netwerk van uw hele team om u te helpen de beste weg naar een lead te vinden.
1:30 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ find warm paths in
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Bienvenido al Learning Center
En este breve vídeo encontrarás consejos para acceder al Centro de aprendizaje de Sales Navigator. Descubre cómo acceder a nuestros recursos a la carta, inscribirte en actividades de formación en directo y acceder a montones de recursos útiles para dominar Sales Navigator.
2 mins
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator

Suchen Sie nach Zielkonten
Entdecken Sie, wie Sie die Kundensuche von Sales Navigator verwenden können, um Kunden in einem Gebiet basierend auf Faktoren wie Hauptsitz, Anzahl der Mitarbeiter, Branche, Wachstum und mehr zu finden!
2:30 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Sviluppo del piano di formazione e supporto di Sales Navigator
Considera queste risorse e tecniche quando crei un piano di formazione e supporto per il tuo team.
2 min
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator

Supercharge Sales Navigator with Your Book of Business
Discover how to upload your book of business manually or via csv to a Sales Navigator account list and receive actionable insights and signals.
3 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Learn about product updates
Sales Navigator
content lake

Stroomlijn uw onderzoek met Account-IQ
Besteed minder tijd aan accountonderzoek en maak eenvoudig een slimme samenvatting ondersteund door generatieve AI en LinkedIn-gegevens.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
Learn about AI features
Learn about product updates
Sales Navigator

Suchen Sie nach Leads über mehrere Konten hinwegs
Sehen Sie, wie Sie die Lead-Suche von Sales Navigator verwenden können, um Leads in einer Liste von Accounts zu finden.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Stel prioriteiten met Account Hub
Ontdek hoe Account Hub op één plek alle informatie samenbrengt die nodig is om accounts te segmenteren en nieuwe potentiële klanten te ontdekken.
5 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ enable sales productivity to help team reach their target quota
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Learn about product updates
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator

Start uw Sales Navigator Programma
Bekijk de fasen van de activering en bereid u voor op eventuele bezwaren om een succesvolle lancering van uw Sales Navigator-programma te garanderen.
8 min
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
Short Course
5-10 min
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Sales Navigator

Starten Sie Ihr Sales Navigator Programm
Überprüfen Sie die Aktivierungsphasen und bereiten Sie sich auf mögliche Einwände vor, um einen erfolgreichen Start Ihres Sales Navigator-Programms sicherzustellen.
8 min
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
Short Course
5-10 min
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Sales Navigator

Speichern Sie Ihre Suche
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Suche speichern, um Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten und jederzeit schnell darauf zugreifen und Ihre Suche erneut ausführen zu können.
3 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

So finden Sie Hilfe für Sales Navigator
Haben Sie Fragen zum Sales Navigator und wissen nicht, wohin Sie sich wenden sollen? Dieses kurze Video wird Ihnen helfen, die richtige Richtung einzuschlagen.
2 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator

So erstellen und verwenden Sie Lead- und Account-Listen
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie benutzerdefinierte Listen erstellen, die Ihnen helfen, Leads und Accounts zu organisieren und zu priorisieren, indem Sie sie aus Ihren Suchergebnissen in Sales Navigator speichern.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Smart Links erstellen
Wenn es darum geht, das Verhalten von potenziellen Kund:innen zu verstehen, sind Smart Links eine ideale Lösung. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie Smart Links teilen und Analysen nutzen können, um mehr über Ihre potenziellen Leads herauszufinden.
2 mins
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Skillset delle migliori pratiche di Sales Navigator (IT)
Sales Navigator offre un valore enorme, soprattutto se si sa come iniziare e integrare le funzionalità nei flussi di lavoro quotidiani. Completate questo set di competenze per imparare a incorporare le best practice di Sales Navigator nel vostro flusso di lavoro e scoprire le abitudini principali.
10 40 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sincronizzazione CRM: connessione al tuo CRM
Segui per attivare CRM Sync e aprire la porta a tutte le funzionalità esclusive di Sales Navigator abilitate da CRM Sync.
1 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
Sales Navigator

Semplifica le ricerche con l’Account IQ
Scopri come ridurre il tempo impiegato per fare ricerche sugli account e sfruttare un riepilogo smart basato sull’intelligenza artificiale generativa e sui dati di LinkedIn, con un semplice clic.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
Learn about AI features
bp _ discover customer insights
Learn about product updates
Sales Navigator

Sincronización con el CRM: cómo vincular Sales Navigator a tu CRM
Sigue los pasos para activar la sincronización con el CRM y disfrutar de todas las funcionalidades únicas que ofrece.
1 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
Sales Navigator

Selezione delle funzionalità di sincronizzazione CRM per gli amministratori
Scopri le varie funzionalità di CRM Sync disponibili per te e il tuo team dopo l'attivazione.
13 min
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
15-30 min
Sales Navigator

Salva la tua ricerca
Saiba como salvar sua pesquisa para receber notificações e acessar e reexecutar rapidamente sua pesquisa a qualquer momento
2 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Selecting CRM Sync Features for Admins
Learn about the various CRM Sync features available to help you select the right ones ot activate for your team.
17 min
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
15-30 min
Sales Navigator
content lake

Selecionando recursos de sincronização do CRM para administradores
Conheça os vários recursos do CRM Sync disponíveis para você e sua equipe após a ativação.
13 min
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
15-30 min
Sales Navigator

Selección de funciones de sincronización de CRM para administradores
Conozca las diversas funciones de CRM Sync disponibles para usted y su equipo después de la activación.
13 min
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
15-30 min
Sales Navigator

Search for Leads across Multiple Accounts
See how you can use Sales Navigator’s Lead search to find leads across a list of accounts.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator
content lake

Se concentrer sur le compte le plus important
Utilisez les données dynamiques de Sales Navigator pour classer par ordre de priorité les comptes présentant les meilleures opportunités.
3 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator

Search for Accounts to Target
Discover how you can use Sales Navigator’s account search to find accounts in a territory, based on factors like headquarters location, number of employees, industry, growth %, and more!
2:30 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator
content lake

Save your Search
Learn how to save your search to receive notifications and quickly access and re-run your search it any time.
3 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
bp _ stay up-to-date
Sales Navigator
content lake

Scoprire le intuizioni dei clienti
Utilizzate le informazioni contenute nelle pagine di Sales Navigator dedicate agli account e ai prospect per prepararvi alle riunioni e avere conversazioni di qualità con i clienti.
3 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator

Schakel uw Sales Navigator-teams in: communicatiesjablonen
Maak gebruik van deze sjablonen om duidelijke, tijdige communicatie te creëren die u zal helpen bij te dragen aan het succes van uw Sales Navigator-programma.
2 min
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator

Sandboxing para la sincronización del CRM Video
En este breve vídeo te explicamos cómo habilitar y añadir usuarios al sandboxing para administradores del CRM, que permite probar las funcionalidades de sincronización antes de activarlas en el entorno de producción.
2 min
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ enable sales productivity to help team reach their target quota
Sales Navigator

Sandbox voor CRM-synchronisatiebeheer
In deze korte video ziet u hoe u gebruikers kunt inschakelen en toevoegen aan de Sandbox voor CRM-beheerders, waarmee u de mogelijkheden van CRM-synchronisatie kunt testen voordat u de synchronisatie in de productieomgeving inschakelt.
1:30 mins
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ enable sales productivity to help team reach their target quota
Sales Navigator

Sandbox da sincronização com o CRM para administradores
Neste breve vídeo, veremos como adicionar e habilitar usuários no Sandbox do CRM para administradores para que você possa testar os recursos da sincronização com o CRM antes de ativá-los no ambiente de produção.
1:30 mins
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ enable sales productivity to help team reach their target quota
Sales Navigator

Sandbox di amministrazione della sincronizzazione del CRM
In questo breve video ti mostreremo come abilitare e aggiungere utenti all’ambiente sandbox di amministrazione del CRM, che ti permette di testare le funzionalità della sincronizzazione del CRM prima di abilitarla nel tuo ambiente di produzione.
1:30 mins
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ enable sales productivity to help team reach their target quota
Sales Navigator

Salve sua pesquisa
Saiba como salvar sua pesquisa para receber notificações e acessar e reexecutar rapidamente sua pesquisa a qualquer momento
3 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator

Salesforce-Berechtigungen und eingebettete Erfahrungen
In diesem Video für Salesforce-Administratoren wird erläutert, wie Sie in Salesforce die richtigen Berechtigungen zuweisen, damit Ihre Benutzer CRM Embedded Experiences nutzen können.
2 min
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator

Salesforce-machtigingen en ingebedde ervaringen
In deze video, voor Salesforce-beheerders, wordt besproken hoe u de juiste machtigingen in Salesforce kunt toewijzen, zodat uw gebruikers gebruik kunnen maken van CRM Embedded Experiences.
2 min
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Community Resource Kit
Learn how to get the most out of Sales Navigator Community as you connect with others, ask questions, offer product improvement ideas, and access tons of resources.
15 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
15-30 min
Resource Kit
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator: volgende stappen
Breid uw kennis over Sales Navigator uit met een gedegen overzicht van extra functies en werkwijzen waarmee u alles eruit haalt wat erin zit en u leert werken als de echte topverkopers.
55 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator

Salesforce Permissions and Embedded Experiences
This video, for Salesforce Administrators, reviews how to assign the correct permissions in Salesforce so your users can leverage CRM Embedded Experiences.
2 min
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator: siguientes pasos
Amplía tus conocimientos de Sales Navigator con un resumen detallado de funcionalidades y técnicas que pueden ayudarte a sacar el máximo partido de la herramienta y a adoptar los hábitos de los mejores profesionales.
55 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator: próximas etapas
Amplie seus conhecimentos básicos sobre o Sales Navigator e tenha uma visão mais detalhada de outros recursos e estratégias que podem ajudar você a utilizar ainda mais a plataforma e alcançar melhores resultados.
55 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator: passaggi successivi
Amplia le tue conoscenze di base su Sales Navigator con una panoramica approfondita su altre funzionalità e tecniche che possono aiutarti a usare al meglio Sales Navigator e acquisire le abitudini dei top performer.
55 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator: Next Steps Course
Build on your essential Sales Navigator knowledge with an in depth overview of additional features and techniques that can help you maximize your use of Sales Navigator and adopt the habits of top performers.
55 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator: Essentiële Vaardigheden
Leer alle essentiële informatie over Sales Navigator uit deze Essentials Skillset.
5 60 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sales Navigator: Fundamentos
¿Eres nuevo en Sales Navigator o buscas actualizar tus habilidades básicas? Conozca las características esenciales de Sales Navigator y descubra cómo orientar, comprender e interactuar con clientes potenciales y clientes actuales en este curso interactivo autoguiado.
45 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator: essentiels
Êtes-vous nouveau dans Sales Navigator ou cherchez-vous à rafraîchir vos compétences de base ? Apprenez les fonctionnalités essentielles de Sales Navigator et découvrez comment cibler, comprendre et interagir avec les prospects et les clients actuels dans ce cours interactif et autonome.
45 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator: Essentials Course
Are you new to Sales Navigator or looking to refresh foundational skills? Learn the essential features of Sales Navigator and discover how to target, understand, and engage with prospects and current customers in this self-led, interactive course.
45 min
> 30 min
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator: Compétences essentielles
Apprendre les informations essentielles sur Sales Navigator à partir de cet ensemble de compétences essentielles.
5 60 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sales Navigator: Essentials Certificate Course
Are you a new Sales Navigator user and not sure how to get started? Or are you an existing user looking to up-skill and make sure you are on the right track? Our Essentials Certificate Course has all the information you need to get up and running and find success with Sales Navigator.
5 60 min
Sales Professional
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sales Navigator: elementi essenziali
Sei nuovo in Sales Navigator o stai cercando di aggiornare le competenze di base? Scopri le funzionalità essenziali di Sales Navigator e scopri come indirizzare, comprendere e interagire con i clienti potenziali e attuali in questo corso interattivo autogestito.
45 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator para el éxito de los clientes
Descubra cómo Sales Navigator puede ayudarle a tener éxito en su función de gestor del éxito de los clientes.
5 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights

Sales Navigator: basisprincipes
Ben je nieuw bij Sales Navigator of wil je basisvaardigheden opfrissen? Leer de essentiële functies van Sales Navigator en ontdek hoe u prospects en huidige klanten kunt targeten, begrijpen en ermee kunt omgaan in deze zelfgeleide, interactieve cursus.
45 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator: aptitudes básicas
Aprender toda la información esencial sobre Sales Navigator en este conjunto de habilidades esenciales.
5 60 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Learn about AI features
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sales Navigator voor klantsucces
Ontdek hoe Sales Navigator u kan helpen succesvol te zijn in uw rol als Customer Success Manager.
5 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator per il successo del cliente
Scoprite come Sales Navigator può aiutarvi ad avere successo nel vostro ruolo di Customer Success Manager.
5 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator para Gerentes de Sucesso do Cliente
Descubra como o Sales Navigator pode ajudá-lo a ter sucesso em sua função de Gerente de Sucesso do Cliente.
5 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator for Customer Success
Use this guide to explore how Sales Navigator can help you thrive in your customer success role.
4 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Best Practices: Uploading Your Book of Business
Upload your book of business to unlock the full potential of Sales Navigator. This unlocks customized recommendations and insights on your leads and accounts.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Onboarding Schulung
Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mit Sales Navigator relevante Entscheider finden und durch das Setzen Ihrer Vertriebseinstellungen automatische Lead- und Accountempfehlungen erhalten können.

Sales Navigator Mobile App Guide
Use this guide to learn all about the LinkedIn Sales Navigator mobile app and explore its most powerful features. You will learn everything from navigating the mobile app homepage, searching for leads and accounts, syncing your calendar with the Sales Navigator app, and enhancing your sales strategy all within the Sales Navigator mobile app.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Masterclass
Unlock the true potential of Sales Navigator: Join Our Masterclass. Elevate your Sales Game: Learn how to sell like a top performer with our Sales Navigator Masterclass Series.
12 Masterclasses
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ enable sales productivity to help team reach their target quota
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Recorded Webinar
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sales Navigator Essentials (DE)
Sind Sie neu bei Sales Navigator oder möchten Sie Ihre Grundkenntnisse auffrischen? Lernen Sie die wesentlichen Funktionen von Sales Navigator kennen und entdecken Sie in diesem selbstgeführten, interaktiven Kurs, wie Sie potenzielle und aktuelle Kunden ansprechen, verstehen und mit ihnen interagieren.
45 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator Best Practices: Stay Up-to-Date
Top sellers always know what's happening at their accounts by checking alerts on Sales Navigator. Learn how to avoid missing news and missing deals.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Best Practices: Sell When Buyers are Ready
Learn how to focus on buyers who are ready to make a deal by leveraging Sales Navigator buyer intent signals and features like Account Hub and Alerts.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Best Practices: Personalize Outreach
Learn how to focus on building the right message for each buyer using Sales Navigator’s insights to be heard over all the spam.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
bp _ personalize outreach
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Best Practices: Multi-thread
Learn how to use Sales Navigator to build a network of relationships at each key account to help secure renewals and larger opportunities.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ product efficacy
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
bp _ multi-thread
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Best Practices: Focus on Top Accounts
With so many opportunities out there, top sellers leverage Sales Navigator to focus on the accounts with the highest likelihood to turn into closed-won deals.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ focus on top accounts
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Best Practices Skillset (DE)
Sales Navigator bietet einen enormen Mehrwert, vor allem wenn Sie wissen, wie Sie die Funktionen in Ihre täglichen Arbeitsabläufe integrieren können. Vervollständigen Sie dieses Skillset, um zu lernen, wie Sie die Best Practices von Sales Navigator in Ihre Arbeitsabläufe integrieren und wichtige Gew
10 40 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sales Navigator Best Practices: Find Warm Paths In
Top sellers avoid cold calling and focus on the accounts where they have a warm connection through Sales Navigator’s relationship intelligence.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Best Practices: Find the Right Buyers
The right buyer can unlock an account. Learn how to use Sales Navigator to hone in on key contacts and help close deals.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ product efficacy
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ find the right buyers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Best Practices: Discover Customer Insights
By researching on Sales Navigator ahead of outreach and meetings, learn how to focus face-to-face time on supporting their buyers' needs.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Best Practices-Wissenscheck (DE)
Beantworten Sie die Fragen, um Ihr Verständnis der Best Practices des Verkaufsnavigators zu überprüfen, und Sie erhalten ein Abschlusszertifikat.
5 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sales Navigator Best Practices-vaardigheden (NL)
Sales Navigator biedt een enorme waarde, vooral als je weet hoe je aan de slag moet gaan en de functionaliteit in je dagelijkse workflows kunt integreren. Vul deze vaardigheden aan om te leren hoe je de best practices van Sales Navigator in je workflow kunt opnemen en ontdek de belangrijkste gewoont
10 40 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sales Navigator Best Practices Resource Kit
This comprehensive resource kit outlines nine best practices that will help you unlock the habits of top performers and get the most value from Sales Navigator.
20 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
sco _ acquire new customers
Find leads and accounts
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
15-30 min
Resource Kit
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator Aktivitt Anleitung
Sind Sie ganz neu bei Sales Navigator? Dieser Leitfaden hilft Ihnen, indem er Sie durch den Lizenzaktivierungsprozess führt.
5 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
5-10 min
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator Best Practices Certificate Course
Sales Navigator offers tremendous value, especially when you know how to get started and integrate the functionality into your daily workflows. Complete this Certificate Course to learn how to incorporate our Sales Navigator best practices into workflow and unlock key habits of top performers.
12 40 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sales Navigator Best Practices Kennischeck (NL)
Beantwoord de vragen om te controleren of je de Sales Navigator Best Practices begrijpt en je ontvangt een certificaat van voltooiing.
5 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
> 30 min
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
Certificate Course

Sales Navigator Best Practices Guide
This condensed guide walks you through the nine best practices that will help you unlock the habits of top performers and find the most value from Sales Navigator.
5 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Team Leader
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
bp _ find warm paths in
bp _ sell when buyers are ready
bp _ find the right buyers
bp _ focus on top accounts
bp _ upload your book of business
Find leads and accounts
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator au service de la réussite de vos clients
Découvrez comment Sales Navigator peut vous aider à réussir dans votre rôle de gestionnaire de la réussite des clients.
5 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
Understand leads and accounts
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
bp _ multi-thread
bp _ personalize outreach
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
bp _ discover customer insights
Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator Activation Guide
Are you brand new to Sales Navigator? This guide will get you started by walking you through the license activation process.
4 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
< 5 min
sco _ maximize team productivity
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator
content lake

Sales Navigator activatiegids
Bent u helemaal nieuw bij Sales Navigator? Deze gids helpt u op weg door u door het licentie-activeringsproces te leiden.
5 min
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
Coach and motivate my team
sco _ maximize team productivity
5-10 min
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
Sales Navigator

Risorse sulla Community
Utilizza la community di Sales Navigator nel modo più efficiente possibile: fai rete con altri utenti, fai domande, condividi le tue idee per migliorare i prodotti e utilizza le ampie risorse.
15 mins
Sales Professional
Increase productivity
sco _ maximize team productivity
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
15-30 min
Resource Kit
Sales Navigator

Restez informé grâce aux alertes et notifications de Sales Navigator
Les meilleurs commerciaux ne perdent rien de l’actualité de leurs comptes. Avec les alertes Sales Navigator, vous ne manquez aucune information sur les changements de poste, les recrutements clés et les annonces des entreprises.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
sco _ build brand trust and credibility
sco _ renew exisiting customers
sco _ expand exisiting customers
bp _ stay up-to-date
Sales Navigator

Risorse di Deep Sales
Per saperne di più sulla piattaforma di vendita profonda di LinkedIn e sulla nuova generazione di LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
30 min
Sales Professional
Coach and motivate my team
Team Leader
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
jtbd _ coach and motivate my team
jtbd _ product efficacy
Build relationships and engage
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
> 30 min
jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team
Resource Kit
Sales Navigator

Rimani aggiornato con gli avvisi e le notifiche di Sales Navigator
I top performer sanno sempre cosa sta succedendo presso i loro account. Con gli avvisi di Sales Navigator, puoi tenerti al corrente su cambi di ruolo, assunzioni nella leadership e annunci dell’azienda.
3 min
Sales Professional
< 5 min
jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs
jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role
Understand leads and accounts
jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales
jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads
jtbd _ build and maintain relationships
jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile
sco _ build brand trust and credibility