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Sales Navigator: Essentiële Vaardigheden

Leer alle essentiële informatie over Sales Navigator uit deze Essentials Skillset.

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Om uw certificaat te ontvangen, moet u het volgende invullen:

Sales Navigator Snelstartgids
Wanneer LinkedIn en Sales Navigator gebruiken - Video
Sales Navigator: Essentiële Leerweg
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U kunt ook een live of opgenomen Sales Navigator: Essentials Webinar om uw kennis te versterken. 

Schrijf u hier in voor onze Sales Navigator: Essentials Live Webinar. 

Bekijk hier de opgenomen webinar over de grondbeginselen van Sales Navigator.

Sales Navigator activatiegids
Bent u helemaal nieuw bij Sales Navigator? Deze gids helpt u op weg door u door het licentie-activeringsproces te leiden.
5 min
Sales Professional Increase productivity Coach and motivate my team sco _ maximize team productivity 5-10 min jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role jtbd _ coach and motivate my team Onboarding Guide Dutch Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Wat is Deep Sales?
Ontdek hoe u en uw team met het deep sales-platform van LinkedIn kunnen werken als topverkopers en succes kunnen boeken in de veranderende B2B-wereld.
6 min
Sales Professional Increase productivity sco _ maximize team productivity jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs Course Short Course 5-10 min jtbd _ coach and motivate my team jtbd _ product efficacy Understand leads and accounts Build relationships and engage jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads jtbd _ build and maintain relationships jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile bp _ multi-thread bp _ personalize outreach bp _ find warm paths in bp _ sell when buyers are ready bp _ find the right buyers bp _ focus on top accounts bp _ upload your book of business sco _ build brand trust and credibility sco _ renew exisiting customers sco _ expand exisiting customers sco _ acquire new customers Dutch Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Geef SN een boost met uw zakelijke boek
Ontdek hoe u uw bedrijfsboek handmatig of via csv uploadt naar een Sales Navigator-accountlijst en bruikbare inzichten en signalen ontvangt.
3 min
Sales Professional Video Increase productivity < 5 min sco _ maximize team productivity jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role jtbd _ coach and motivate my team jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile bp _ upload your book of business sco _ acquire new customers Find leads and accounts Learn about product updates Dutch Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Sales Navigator: basisprincipes
Ben je nieuw bij Sales Navigator of wil je basisvaardigheden opfrissen? Leer de essentiële functies van Sales Navigator en ontdek hoe u prospects en huidige klanten kunt targeten, begrijpen en ermee kunt omgaan in deze zelfgeleide, interactieve cursus.
45 min
Sales Professional Increase productivity Coach and motivate my team sco _ maximize team productivity jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs Team Leader Course jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role jtbd _ coach and motivate my team jtbd _ product efficacy Understand leads and accounts Build relationships and engage jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads jtbd _ build and maintain relationships jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile bp _ personalize outreach bp _ find warm paths in bp _ focus on top accounts bp _ upload your book of business sco _ build brand trust and credibility sco _ renew exisiting customers sco _ expand exisiting customers sco _ acquire new customers Find leads and accounts > 30 min Learn about AI features Dutch Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Certificaat Sales Navigator: Essentiële Vaardigheden (NL)
Vul deze korte enquête in om uw Certificaat Sales Navigator: Essentiële Vaardigheden te ontvangen. Na afloop ontvangt u uw certificaat per e-mail. De enquête kan ook op de pagina ‘Mijn profiel’ worden geopend via het pictogram van de persoon rechtsboven van het Leercentrum.
Assessments Sales Professional Increase productivity Coach and motivate my team sco _ maximize team productivity jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role jtbd _ product efficacy Understand leads and accounts Build relationships and engage sco _ build brand trust and credibility sco _ renew exisiting customers sco _ expand exisiting customers sco _ acquire new customers Find leads and accounts > 30 min Learn about product updates Dutch Sales Navigator Auto-registration Certificate Course