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Skillset delle migliori pratiche di Sales Navigator (IT)

Sales Navigator offre un valore enorme, soprattutto se si sa come iniziare e integrare le funzionalità nei flussi di lavoro quotidiani. Completate questo set di competenze per imparare a incorporare le best practice di Sales Navigator nel vostro flusso di lavoro e scoprire le abitudini principali.

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Una volta completati tutti gli elementi di questo set di competenze, riceverete un certificato di completamento delle best practice di Sales Navigator.  

Completate le attività del set di competenze in ordine, iniziando con la revisione della Guida alle best practice di Sales Navigator. Questa guida vi introdurrà a ciascuna delle nove pratiche consigliate e al valore che ciascuna di esse fornisce. Successivamente, sfogliate le singole risorse di supporto per imparare a intraprendere le azioni che supportano le pratiche raccomandate in Sales Navigator. 

Siete un manager o un responsabile di programma alla ricerca di suggerimenti su come far adottare al vostro team le best practice di Sales Navigator? Esplorate la nostra guida qui.

Guida alle best practice di Sales Navigator
Questa guida sintetica ti guida attraverso nove best practice che ti aiuteranno a sbloccare le abitudini dei migliori e ottenere il massimo da Sales Navigator.
10 mins
Verkoopprofessionals Productiviteit verhogen Mijn team coachen en motiveren < 5 min jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs Teamleider Mijn team coachen en motiveren Leads en accounts begrijpen Relaties opbouwen en communiceren jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads jtbd _ build and maintain relationships jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile bp _ multi-thread bp _ personalize outreach bp _ find warm paths in bp _ sell when buyers are ready bp _ find the right buyers bp _ focus on top accounts bp _ upload your book of business Leads en accounts vinden bp _ stay up-to-date bp _ discover customer insights Gids Italian Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Potenzia Sales Navigator con il tuo Book of Business
Scopri come caricare il tuo libro di affari manualmente o tramite csv in un elenco di account Sales Navigator e ricevi informazioni e segnali utili.
3 min
Verkoopprofessionals Video Productiviteit verhogen < 5 min sco _ maximize team productivity jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role Mijn team coachen en motiveren jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile bp _ upload your book of business sco _ acquire new customers Leads en accounts vinden Leer over productupdates Italian Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Concentrarsi sul top account
Utilizzate i dati dinamici di Sales Navigator per dare priorità ai conti con le migliori opportunità.
3 min
Verkoopprofessionals Video Productiviteit verhogen < 5 min sco _ maximize team productivity jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs Mijn team coachen en motiveren Leads en accounts begrijpen Relaties opbouwen en communiceren jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads jtbd _ build and maintain relationships jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile bp _ focus on top accounts sco _ build brand trust and credibility sco _ renew exisiting customers sco _ expand exisiting customers sco _ acquire new customers Italian Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Trovare l'acquirente giusto
Imparate a ottimizzare la funzione di ricerca di Sales Navigator per trovare gli acquirenti giusti al momento giusto e chiudere più contratti.
3 min
Verkoopprofessionals Video Productiviteit verhogen < 5 min sco _ maximize team productivity jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role Mijn team coachen en motiveren jtbd _ product efficacy jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile bp _ find the right buyers sco _ expand exisiting customers sco _ acquire new customers Leads en accounts vinden jtbd _ drive sales growth for my team Italian Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Best practice di LinkedIn Sales Navigator (IT)
Questo playbook completo delinea nove best practice che ti aiuteranno a sbloccare le abitudini dei migliori performer e ottenere il massimo valore da Sales Navigator.
20 min
Verkoopprofessionals Productiviteit verhogen Mijn team coachen en motiveren sco _ maximize team productivity Teamleider 5-10 min Mijn team coachen en motiveren jtbd _ product efficacy Leads en accounts begrijpen Relaties opbouwen en communiceren bp _ multi-thread bp _ personalize outreach bp _ find warm paths in bp _ sell when buyers are ready bp _ find the right buyers bp _ focus on top accounts bp _ upload your book of business sco _ build brand trust and credibility sco _ renew exisiting customers sco _ expand exisiting customers sco _ acquire new customers Leads en accounts vinden bp _ stay up-to-date bp _ discover customer insights Gids Italian Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Rimani aggiornato con gli avvisi e le notifiche di Sales Navigator
I top performer sanno sempre cosa sta succedendo presso i loro account. Con gli avvisi di Sales Navigator, puoi tenerti al corrente su cambi di ruolo, assunzioni nella leadership e annunci dell’azienda.
3 min
Verkoopprofessionals Video < 5 min jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs jtbd _ feel fulfilled in my role Leads en accounts begrijpen jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads jtbd _ build and maintain relationships jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile sco _ build brand trust and credibility sco _ renew exisiting customers sco _ expand exisiting customers bp _ stay up-to-date Italian Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Diversifica i contatti per minimizzare il rischio e concludere affari piu cospicui (IT)
Scopri come Sales Navigator semplifica il multi-threading consigliando più connessioni ad alto potenziale su ciascun account e fornendo strumenti che mappano i comitati di acquisto in modo che i venditori possano identificare e dare priorità alle giuste relazioni.
3 min
Verkoopprofessionals < 5 min Mijn team coachen en motiveren Leads en accounts begrijpen Relaties opbouwen en communiceren jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads jtbd _ build and maintain relationships jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile bp _ multi-thread sco _ renew exisiting customers sco _ expand exisiting customers sco _ acquire new customers Gids Italian Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Scoprire le intuizioni dei clienti
Utilizzate le informazioni contenute nelle pagine di Sales Navigator dedicate agli account e ai prospect per prepararvi alle riunioni e avere conversazioni di qualità con i clienti.
3 min
Verkoopprofessionals Video Productiviteit verhogen < 5 min sco _ maximize team productivity jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs Teamleider Mijn team coachen en motiveren Leads en accounts begrijpen Relaties opbouwen en communiceren jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads jtbd _ build and maintain relationships sco _ build brand trust and credibility sco _ renew exisiting customers sco _ expand exisiting customers bp _ discover customer insights Italian Sales Navigator Auto-registration
Verifica della conoscenza delle best practice di Sales Navigator (IT)
Rispondete alle domande per verificare la vostra comprensione delle Best Practice di Sales Navigator e riceverete il certificato di completamento.
5 min
Verkoopprofessionals Productiviteit verhogen Mijn team coachen en motiveren jtbd _ stay on track of my sales process and needs Teamleider Mijn team coachen en motiveren Leads en accounts begrijpen Relaties opbouwen en communiceren jtbd _ drive prospective/current accounts/leads to new sales jtbd _ understand the buying needs of my current/prospective accounts/leads jtbd _ build and maintain relationships jtbd _ find leads and accounts that match my target profile bp _ multi-thread bp _ personalize outreach bp _ find warm paths in bp _ sell when buyers are ready bp _ find the right buyers bp _ focus on top accounts bp _ upload your book of business Leads en accounts vinden > 30 min bp _ stay up-to-date bp _ discover customer insights Italian Sales Navigator Auto-registration Certificate Course
Certificato di completamento del set di competenze Sales Navigator Best Practices (IT)
Completate questo breve sondaggio per ricevere il vostro certificato Sales Navigator Best Practices Skillset. Il certificato vi sarà inviato via e-mail al termine del sondaggio. Il certificato si trova anche nella pagina "Il mio profilo", accessibile tramite l'icona della persona in alto a destra in questa pagina.
5 min
Assessments Verkoopprofessionals Productiviteit verhogen Mijn team coachen en motiveren sco _ maximize team productivity Teamleider Mijn team coachen en motiveren jtbd _ product efficacy Leads en accounts begrijpen Relaties opbouwen en communiceren bp _ multi-thread bp _ personalize outreach bp _ find warm paths in bp _ sell when buyers are ready bp _ find the right buyers bp _ focus on top accounts bp _ upload your book of business sco _ renew exisiting customers sco _ expand exisiting customers sco _ acquire new customers Leads en accounts vinden > 30 min bp _ stay up-to-date bp _ discover customer insights Italian Sales Navigator Auto-registration Certificate Course